Hello, I'm a 2nd-year engineering student, coding since september 2023. rocking full-stack web development and DevOps like a pro. When I'm not coding, I'm probably debugging life's glitches. Always up for a challenge, I believe coffee and curiosity are the best combo for solving any problem!
Aspirant OP
JavaScript , TypeScript , Next.js , TailwindCSS , MongoDB , Node.js , Express.js , JWT , Docker
Aspirant OP
React Native , TypeScript , Expo , TailwindCSS , PosrgreSQL, Node.js , Express.js
Aspirant OP
JavaScript , TypeScript , React.js , TailwindCSS , MongoDB , Node.js , Express.js , JWT , Docker
Aspirant OP
TypeScript , Next.js , TailwindCSS , Framer motion , GSAP